We act on both the buy-side and sell side for private and public listed companies in the planning, origination, structuring, valuation, negotiation and closing stages of transactions as well as in-post merger integration and divestment of surplus assets.
We raise equity, hybrid or debt capital for private and publicly listed companies, through placements, rights issues and convertible notes where the capital is mainly used to finance merger and acquisition transactions, capital expenditure and working capital purposes as well as for debt repayment.
Additionally we raise capital for early stage
and start-up companies utilising direct
equity investment or a variety of instruments
such as convertible notes or bonds.
We assist clients with carefully considered strategic advice that focuses on reviewing current strategies and where necessary, in the structuring and planning of new business models that give our clients a competitive advantage in a highly competitive environment
Consider this: You made all the required mock ups for commissioned layout, got all the approvals and started working on your new home.